Providing evidence-based treatments for emotional and mental health concerns

• Child & Adolescent Mental Health
• Adult Mental Health
• Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment & Treatment
• Consultancy
• Clinical Supervision
Dr Lisa Taylor is a registered Clinical Psychologist based in Perth, Western Australia. Lisa specialises in providing therapies for mental health problems including difficulties with emotions, thinking and behaviour. With extensive experience in autism spectrum disorder Lisa is sensitive to the unique needs of the person with Autism and is dedicated to providing high quality assessment and treatment services for children, adolescents and adults with autism. Lisa is a supervisor and leader in clinical psychology and committed to helping clients find happiness in each and everyday.
Lisa values the importance of:
• a sense of belonging
• inclusion
• social contacts
• friends/relationships
• supportive environments
• having choice and control in ones life
• a happy and good quality of life

An appointment with Lisa usually takes 50-60 minutes.
In the first appointment, you will be invited to explain your current concerns, the situation that brought you to seek support and what you hope to achieve.
Following appointments will concentrate on strategies to improve the identified areas of concern and work towards achieving set goals.
Whether you are an individual or an organisation seeking support, Lisa offers bespoke intervention packages to suit your needs.
Talking Therapy
Lisa is trained to help children and adolescents with a range of emotional and personal challenges including behavioural issues, attachment difficulties, anxiety, fear, stress, sadness, depression, social difficulties, bullying, sexuality, gender issues and traumas.
Social and Emotional Learning Skills
The ability to manage one's emotions, develop and maintain healthy relationships, communicate well with others, play an integral role in academic and life success. Social and Emotional Learning programs can successfully provide young children and teenagers with a sense of empowerment and hopefulness, which can influence happiness, positive decision making and behaviour.
Children and Teens
MindUP is a researched-based curriculum that teaches social and emotional learning skills. It is grounded in cognitive neuroscience, inspired by positive psychology and mindfulness training.
It has 5 main areas of competency:
Social awareness
Relationship skills
Responsible Decision Making
The program is incorporated into 10-15 fun sessions in which children and teens learn how to self-regulate behavior and mindfully engage in focused concentration.
Children (6-12 years)
Topics covered in the program include:
Learning about feelings and anxiety
Learning to think more realistically
Parenting an anxious child
Facing fear and feeling fine
Learning coping skills such as building assertiveness or learning to solve problems
Anxiety Management Programs
Teenagers (13-18 years)
'Coolkids' anxiety management programs are skills-based programs that teach children, teenagers and their parents practical skills on how to better manage anxiety, shyness and worry. These programs, developed by Macquarie University, use a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy approach and are delivered over 10-12 sessions.
Workbook activities help children and teens practice their new skills. In addition to the skills they learn, there is also a workbook for parents. The workbook explains to parents how they can best support their child as they learn to cope with anxiety and worry.
Many people who have learnt these new skills find that once they practice them enough, they worry less, feel more confident, more assertive and are able to do things that they used to find too difficult.
The Chilled program has 4 main components:
How anxiety works and how anxiety affects people
How thoughts can control anxiety and ways to change thinking
Facing fears and feeling fine
Building coping skills that make you stronger
Diagnostic Assessment
Suitable for: All ages (from 2 years) to determine whether or not an individual has autism.
Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (parent or family member interview)
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (clinical observation)
Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (measure of functional assessment)
Feedback session
Summary report that provides information about an individual’s strengths, challenges and recommendations to assist with support planning.
Listening to clients about what their diagnosis means to them, challenges they face, and the support they need to live the lives they want, Lisa assists clients to develop a vision for a happy, content, good quality of life. Lisa runs programs specifically for children and adults with Autism.
Programs for Children
'Cool Kids ASD' is an anxiety management program, developed by Macquarie University, specifically adapted for children who have Autism. The program is family-based and utilises Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy with the aim to provide children and parents with skills and strategies to help them better manage anxiety. The program is delivered over 10-12 sessions.
Working in collaboration with the client, families and carers Lisa supports clients to work towards their personal goals such as life after school, TAFE, university, employment, social interactions, independence in daily practical activities including house chores, cooking, shopping and budget planning. Lisa incorporates clients' changing needs and builds on strategies to ease transition stages. Lisa aims to ensure that clients receive appropriate support and treatment to lead fulfilling lives.

Lisa is trained to help adults with a range of mental health problems including depression and mood disorders, anxiety disorders including generalised anxiety, social anxiety, fears and phobias, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, adjustment disorder, post traumatic stress disorder.
Using evidence based treatments such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Lisa tailors therapy to meet individual needs and aspirations.
If you have personal, individual goals that you would like to explore such as relationship enhancement, communication and decision making skills, Lisa can support you to develop a life plan based on short-, medium-, long-term steps.
Consultancy service is available to private companies, not for profit organisations, the education system, allied health professionals and other clinicians. Lisa offers a bespoke consultancy service, based on the needs and aspirations of the client.
Through person-centred practice and positive behaviour support Lisa helps others understand complex and challenging behaviour.
Lisa is a Board approved supervisor, offers clinical supervision to allied health professionals and is eligible to act as a supervisor for:
provisional psychologists undertaking the 5+1 Internship Program
Higher degree placement students in the area of clinical psychology
Psychologists undertaking the registrar program in the area of clinical psychology
Fees are payable at the time of your session. EFTPOS and HICAPS facilities are available.
Medicare rebates are automatically transferred back into your bank account.
You do not need a referral from a GP to see a psychologist. However, to claim a Medicare rebate you must be referred to a psychologist by your GP or psychiatrist; or paediatrician.
Your GP will need to complete a detailed mental health assessment and prepare a Mental Health Treatment Plan before referring you to a psychologist.

Claremont Medical Centre
Floor 1
206 Stirling Highway
Claremont, 6010
Clinical Psychologist Claremont Perth-Clinical Psychology WA
Free parking
Psychology consultations can also occur in places other than the consulting room, such as home, school, TAFE, uni, where treatment in these environments is necessary to achieve therapeutic outcomes
Postal Address
PO Box 438, Inglewood, WA 6932